Wednesday 27 May 2015

What You Should Be Doing Right After Your Shower

What You Should Be Doing Right After Your Shower

There are some routines in our lives that have become so, well, routine that we go through them as if on autopilot: brushing our teeth, washing our face, shaving, etc. Our post-showering rituals would probably fall into this category, as most of us consider getting dry and clothed as the basic priorities after showertime. While we understand this thought process, we feel it is our duty to inform of you of how crucial your post-shower routine is in maintaining the health of your hair and skin. Take a look at the following non-negotiables you should be implementing into your post-shower ritual. .read full


11 Things You Should NEVER Put on Your Face

11 Things You Should NEVER Put on Your Face

1. Hair Spray. You may have heard somewhere that it will help set your makeup, but it should NEVER be applied to your face because it contains lacquers and alcohol that will dry our your skin, causing your skin to become dehydrated and you to look older. Plus, hair spray has repellents in it that could irritate your skin, leaving it red and bumpy.

2. Deodorant. Just because it keeps your underarms from sweating through your shirt does not mean it should be swiped over any area of your face that might perspire in hopes of keeping your makeup from melting down your face. You want your skin to be able to breathe. It's doing what it needs to for a reason, and you don't need to stop it. If you want to learn how to keep your makeup in place when temperatures rise, read this.

3. Hair Color. If you color your hair regularly and want your brows to match, use a vegetable-based colorant or tinted brow mascara on your arches instead of your at-home hair color, since the formulas are less harsh. Box dye can be too irritating for the skin around your eye area and can even make your eyes burn and tear full


How to minimize pores in seconds!

How to minimize pores in seconds!

I did a big drug store makeup haul last week, and while I was searching for my favorite foundation, I noticed all kinds of pore minimizing potions and lotions on the shelves, and I was tempted to bring all of them home with me.
Now, please don’t get me wrong.
My pores aren’t THAT large.
I would just love it if there was one product out there that I could apply to my face to fool the world into thinking I have naturally flawless skin.
But rather than getting sucked into spending a fortune on all those products, I turned to my most favorite makeup artist of all time to see what he suggests instead.: read full



15 Skin Care Tips and Tricks You Didn't Know You Had To Follow

15 Skin Care Tips and Tricks You Didn't Know You Had To Follow]

I’ll be the first person to admit that proper skin care isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Taking care of your skin on a regular basis takes dedication and a little bit of time. I mean, washing your face every night sounds simple, but when you’re already cozy in bed and you realize you didn’t take your makeup off yet, it’s not that simple.

But taking care of your skin is really important! Even if your face is baby soft and smooth right now, it won’t be as you get older, and anti-aging is all about prevention. Even getting rid of acne and breakouts can be about prevention – you need to have healthy skin in order for it to look glowing and flawless, you know? Here are 15 skin care tips and tricks you didn’t know you needed: read full
